Friday, March 8, 2013

David Echeverri & Mauricio Aristizabal

Looks like the Colombian übermodel David Echeverri has traded in Julian Esteban for Mauricio Aristizabal as his latest partner in crime. Together, they fight crime! Or, at least, they model together for the Nexxos brand of clothing! And while glasses and masks may hide their true identities, they cannot hide their essential prettiness! With guest star (read: interfering hussy) Batgirl!

Click the links below to read the entire saga of Nexxos-Man!
Prelude: David Echeverri & Juan Esteban
Chapter 1: David Echeverri & Mauricio Aristizabal
Chapter 2: More Echeverri & Aristizabal
Chapter 3: The Echeverri Half
Chapter 4: The Echeverri Effect
Chapter 5: The Return of the Bat-Nipples
Chapter 6: The Echeverri Endgame

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