Saturday, February 4, 2012

La Playa

Hey, how's this for a high-concept pitch for a new television series? Picture it -- a "Baywatch"-style show that features Paulo Quevedo, Christian Carabias, and Juan Pablo Llano romping on the beach in red swimsuits! That seems to be what "La Playa" is:

La Playa is about young beautiful lifeguards that patrol the beaches of South Beach, Miami. Together, they keep their beaches safe for the locals and vacationers who come to spend a day in the Sun in paradise! They don't stop at saving potential drowning victims either. They often protect their visitors from low-lifes who preyed on them including pickpockets, kidnappers, and sexual predators. La Playa also offers the opportunity to feature wild life protection, environmental concerns, but most of all romance.

Now that's sheer genius! According to the official La Playa web site, it airs (or will air?) on STV (Stellar Television), whatever that is -- that site and the STV web site are remarkably uninformative. But, we have pictures!

Aside from Carabias (above), Quevedo, and Llano...

... "La Playa" also features Ramiro Fumazoni (above)...

... Erik Millon (above), and Michael Orozco (whom we'll meet later today in a separate post). Time to head back to the beach!

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