Thursday, February 16, 2012

Joshua Berg

Joshua Berg is a 21-year old actor who's originally from Luton, England. He is a 2010 graduate of the 3-year Musical Theatre programme at Laine Theatre Arts. Last year he made his theatrical debut as Titus in Sonia Friedman’s production of the Shakespeare comedy, Much Ado About Nothing, which starred David Tennant and Catherine Tate.

Joshua also starred in a film short, "The Morning After", as Harry, a young man who, one morning after a drunken night out, awakens to discover a naked man, Thom, in his bed. Thom is played by Luke Striffler (pictured below), who seems to be Joshua's boyfriend in real life (check out their Facebook profiles, linked below). You can watch "The Morning After" here.

Some links:
Joshua Berg's profile on Facebook
Joshua Berg page on Facebook
"The Morning After" on Facebook
Luke Taylor Striffler on Facebook
Paul Dedona Photography

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