Friday, January 7, 2011

Merhav Mohar מרחב מוהר

Merhav Mohar (מרחב מוהר) is a (now-retired) Israeli boxer. Born on June 22, 1983 in Kfar Saba (בכפר סבא), he began his career in the field of kickboxing, in which field he won six Israeli league titles between 1995-2001. Additionally, he received a black belt in karate and won the Israeli champion in Thai boxing in 2001. After his military service, he focused mainly on boxing, and in 2004 won the title of professional boxing champion of Israel. Later he went to New York, where he trained under the tutelage of Hector Roca; his progress in the United States, where he received a career-ending injury, was documented in the film "My Champion". In 2010 he participated in the Israeli version of "Dancing With the Stars" ("רוקדים עם כוכבים").

Cisoto Fotoalbum: Merhav Mohar (מרחב מוהר)

Merhav Mohar on Facebook
"The Contender" -- article (in English) from American Jewish Life
HilaEl's Flickr photostream
Merhav Mohar nude on Cisoto Quickies

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