Saturday, September 5, 2009

Marcos Pitombo for Vellox

I'm not sure what Marcos Pitombo, the 27-year-old Brazilian actor last seen in the telenovela "Os Mutantes - Promessas de Amor", is modeling on the Vellox web site -- jeans or t-shirts? or both? -- but he's looking damn good doing it. You can find more images from that site in this foto album -- there are no shirtless shots, but the pictures are hot anyway, as you'd expect with this gorgeous guy, his spread legs, and the smoke shooting from his crotch and ass.

Cisoto Fotoalbum: Marcos Pitombo

Bonus: a making-of video featuring another Brazilian beauty, Marco Antônio Gimenez, who modeled for Vellox in 2008. Now, those fotos I'd like to find, too!

For more:
Marcos Pitombo on Cisoto Fotos
Marco Antônio Gimenez

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