Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Junior Ottoni for New Captain Underwear

Everybody salute Brazilian model Junior Ottoni, who can be found on the New Captain Underwear web site:

The Brazilian male model Junior Ottoni (Image Consult) rocks again for the special shooting to Noir Collection Limited Edition ad of New Captain Underwear. Junior Ottoni was shot by MaurĂ­cio Gomes (Gloss) and the grooming was made by the make up artist Jayme Vasconcellos (Glloss).

With the purpose of being in a new level of underwear New Captain is a brand that offers premium products developed with tailoring references, sofisticated fabrics and perfect finishing. To guarantee this result the New Captain underwear is packed on inside out.

Cisoto Fotoalbum: Junior Ottoni

Thanks to Milton from Duo Press!

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