Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"Un golpe de suerte", Episode 3

Let's see what's happened in the third episode of the new telenovela "Un golpe de suerte", shall we?

Ángel (Toni Bernetti) in a towel

Ángel (Toni Bernetti) Víctor (José Álvarez), Fonsi (Raúl Mérida) and Alberto (Gerard Martí) bond (or not) during a game of beach volleyball

I'm sure Fonsi (Raúl Mérida) and Alberto (Gerard Martí) are just good friends, but they certainly indulge in some inappropriate touching with each other (first video). They even wake up wrapped up in each other's arms (second video, from the 1st episode).

Bonus: Toni Bernetti, who plays Ángel, tantalizes with a bit of chest action in this interview

Source: telecinco.es

Related posts:
"Un golpe de suerte" in Cisoto Fotos
Toni Bernetti on Cisoto Fotos

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