Sunday, May 30, 2010

More Camilo Trujillo

More of Colombian actor and model Camilo Trujillo, who was born on born on November 12, 1986 in Cundinamarca. Since we last saw him, he's appeared in in "Munoz vale por dos" (Caracol, 2008) and "Padres e hijos" (Caracol, 2009)

Foto sources:
Camilo Trujillo's Facebook profile
Alex Gomez

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Carlos Ponce in Revista Venue

HQ images of Carlos Ponce (with Ana Lucía Domínguez, his co-star in "Perro Amor"), from the latest issue of Venue magazine.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jonathan Islas

The Mexican actor Jonathan Islas can once again be seen on the Gabriel Blanco Actores site with what appears to be some new images. Born in Mexico City, Distrito Federal, he recently appeared in the telenovela Bella Calamidades.

Looks like the Gabriel Blanco site hasn't restored all of Jonathan's images; here are a few examples. I'll have to see what else, if anything, is missing.

Mirna has some HQ, candid fotos of the actor in her Picasa Web Album.

And, finally, the man in motion:

Tiberio Cruz y Jonathan Islas en el ring de pelea -- video of Tiberio Cruz and Jonathan Islas showing their boxing moves
Decisiones Jaque Mate -- watch Jonathan Islas in the "Jaque Mate" episode of Telemundo's "Decisiones", split over several videos
Islasjonas's Channel on YouTube