Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sergi Orduña Colina

One more dancer from the second season of "Fama ¡a bailar!" -- el ganador, in fact, the winner: Sergi Orduña Colina. He's 21 years old, from Barcelona.

Here are two additional videos in which Sergi dances with several of the other guys from "Fama", including our current Man of the Month, Ginés Gil Cano:

For more visit:

Related posts:
Ginés Gil Cano
Hugo Rosales
Cisco of "Fama ¡a bailar!"

Rafael Novoa Shy (Mostly)

Where to find our Man of the Fortnight, Colombian überhunk Rafael Novoa:

1) Canal RCN


3) Alan Alban's Flickr photostream:

Or, you can just check out this foto album, into which I've uploaded most of these images!

Cisoto Fotoalbum: Rafael Novoa 2

For more: Rafael Novoa in Cisoto Fotos

Friday, May 29, 2009

Cisco of "Fama ¡a bailar!"

Today Cisoto Fotos features Cisco Fotos -- that is, fotos of Cisco, another dancer who was featured on the second season of the dance competition "Fama ¡a bailar!". (In fact, he was eliminated when he lost a competition against our current Man of the Month, Ginés Gil Cano.) I was unable to find his full name; anyone know it? His partner's name was Carol. He's 21 years old, from Granada, and his dream is not only to make a living by dancing but also to win the UK Bboy international breakdancing championships. He's skilled in acrobatics and works as a gymnastics teacher. This Facebook group has more pictures of him, and he's on YouTube as ciscolg.

Related posts:
Ginés Gil Cano
Hugo Rosales

Ginés Gil Cano, Bar Hopping

Ginés Gil Cano, our Man of the Month and half of the winning pair of the Spanish dance competition "Fama ¡a bailar!", does the Coyote Ugly thing atop various bar tables:

And this post's featured performance:

For more: Man of the Month: Ginés Gil Cano